Accounting and Finance Program

Starts from April



Course mode



4 years



Course Overview

Our faculty offers unique ACCA track courses that enable students to sit for ACCA exams and obtain nine major certificates. Unlike other universities, we provide comprehensive instruction in ACCA track courses, assisting students at every step of their journey. There is a growing demand for internationally educated specialists proficient in multiple languages. With this in mind, we offer English language and communication courses to help students enhance their professional communication skills and improve reading comprehension.

Upon graduation, our students are equipped to work at international audit and consulting companies in roles such as auditors, financial consultants, and financial analysts. In essence, the specialists we cultivate are prepared to excel in various industries, serving as managers, bankers, financiers, and consultants. All we ask in return is your commitment to attend lectures (if you are a daytime student), keep an international perspective in mind, and maintain a positive attitude. The rest of the work is on us. We look forward to seeing you in our classrooms.

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Entry Requirements
  • Completed secondary education with a minimum GPA of 4.0 on a 5.0 scale.
  • Proficiency in English, demonstrated by IELTS 5.5 or equivalent.
  • Applicants without language certifications may take the university’s mock exam.
CodeCourse nameECTS
 APPMAT1Applied Mathematics I 6
 MANINFManaging Information 6
 BUSCOMSBusiness Communication Skills 6
 BUSTECHBusiness and Technology 6
 EAPEnglish for Academic Purpose 6
CodeCourse nameECTS
APPMAT 2Applied Mathematics 26
ESPEnglish for Specific Purpose6
RELSTReligious Studies3
MAINFRMaintaining Financial Records6
MANCFManaging Costs and Finance6
CodeCourse nameECTS
MANACC 1Management Accounting I6
INTECONIntroduction to Economics6
FINACC 1Financial Accounting I6
BUSTECHBusiness and Technology6
 Elective Course6
CodeCourse nameECTS
MANACC 2Management Accounting II6
FINACC 2Financial Accounting II6
 Elective Course12
CodeCourse nameECTS
CORBUSLCorporate and Business Law6
ADVMANAAdvanced Management Accounting6
FINREPFinancial Reporting6
FINMARIFinancial Markets and Institutions6
 Elective Course6
CodeCourse nameECTS
PERMANPerformance Management6
FINMARIFinancial Markets and Institutions6
ADVFINRAdvanced Financial Reporting6
 Elective Course12
CodeCourse nameECTS
 TAXINDTaxation for Individuals 6
 FINMANFinancial Management 6
 AUDCONAuditing in Context 6
 Elective Course 12
Code Course name ECTS
INTERN Internship 6
FINWOR Graduation Qualification Work12
  Elective Course 12
Total 30

Graduates of the Applied Accounting and Finance Program are prepared to pursue careers in:

  • International audit and consulting firms
  • Banking and financial institutions
  • Corporate finance departments
  • Financial planning and analysis roles
  • Entrepreneurship in financial services

Finance and Accounting Program

25,000,000 UZS per year – Full-time study.

17,000,000 UZS per year – Part-time study.

This fee provides students with access to quality education, essential resources, and opportunities for academic and professional development.

Students applying to the first year at Millat Umidi University have the opportunity to receive grants covering 50% to 100% of their tuition fees. Below are the requirements for obtaining a grant:

Grant TypeRequirementsApplicable Programs
100% grantELTS 7.0 + SAT above 1200

Accounting and Finance (ACCA)

Computer Science (Software Engineering)

Business Management (Pearson BTEC)

50% grantIELTS 7.5 or SAT above 1300All programs

As additional information, it is worth noting that the grants provided at Millat Umidi University are valid for one academic year only. To maintain the grant for higher courses, students must meet the following criteria:

  • A GPA of no less than 4.9;
  • Active participation in university social life;
  • No unjustified absences.